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Reflecting on my "Teaching Quality Standard" 

Competency 1. Fostering Effective Relationships 💚

Some "Question of the Day" Examples: 

Mid-Term Assessment (Field III)

My ability to foster effective relationships is what inspired me to pursue this professional journey of becoming an educator. I feel that for me, being a teacher is a somewhat selfish choice. I live vicariously through children, no matter if they’re 2 years old or graduating high school. There is so much beauty in their pure, curious, imaginative minds. This is one of many reasons why I have established "Questions of the Day" as part of my drama class routine, demonstrating empathy and a genuine caring for others as it allows them to feel heard and provides an opportunity for self-reflection (no matter how serious or silly). Additionally, I provide meaningful opportunities to students by prioritizing a strong connection in order to guide them through the curriculum with trust and support. In particular, during Field II, I was able to form a bond with a struggling student, who eventually felt comfortable enough to open up and dive into the class work together. You can read more about this in my attached essay from EDUC 530. As this experience involved a student from an Indigenous background, this was also an opportunity for me to practice honouring cultural diversity. The feedback I have received from students and other teachers/admin also reflects my passion for unconditionally acting with fairness, respect, and integrity.

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Special little gifts from

Field Experience II 

-Personalized hand-crocheted top

-Hand-made necklace 

-Personalized dried flower 

-Card from students

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Volunteer Muffin Making for my Field III School's Breakfast Program
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Final Narrative (Field II)
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Flowers from Partner Teacher after Field III
Relationship Building with the Drama Teacher of the Neighbouring High School
(visiting classes, working with small groups, observing school plays)
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Text message from Deanne:
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Competency 2. Engaging in Career-Long Learning 🧠

Opportunities to learn from the neighboring High School Drama teacher, Deanne Berstch.

Click on the image above to see her featured as CTV's "Inspired Albertan"

D2L Discussion Post (Field II)
Mid-term Assessment (Field III)
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Grade 7 Art Lesson Feedback from Retired Vice Principal (Field III) 
I decided to give this a try with my own drama classes in Field III...
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Learning in 
the Arts World

Since my high school graduation, I have been seeking, critically reviewing and applying educational research to improve my practice. During my gap year, I was able to be an Apprentice at Alberta Theatre Projects, providing opportunities to work with theatre professionals in the community. This developed a plethora of knowledge from all sides of the theatre world: from marketing, to design, to working backstage on shows. In order to best support student success in inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments, I have spent the last 5 summers working at Calgary Young Peoples Theatre summer camps. I worked and played with children of all ages, from diverse backgrounds, with a wide variety of special needs. A lot of my time there was spent collaborating with other teachers to build personal and collective professional capacities and expertise, developing invaluable skill sets which I am able to carry through into a classroom setting. 

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Handout from Field III PLC Participation
Competency 3. Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge 📚
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Click on the above image to view my PowerPoint on the importance of drama education (read speaker notes)
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Grade 7/8 drama rubric I created for my class in Field III
"Ethical Case Studies" I created for Grade 8 Health
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I’ve included my PowerPoint on the importance of drama education in relation to not only ensuring that all students continuously develop skills in literacy and numeracy; but also general life skills. I explore the impact of the drama curriculum on who I am today and believe that this motivation has and will continue to carry through in my application of the program of studies into my lesson plans. My varied examples of speculative as well as practiced lesson plans represent a range of instructional strategies. The case studies I developed for my Health class were relevant and engaging to the students - encouraging collaboration with others and critical-thinking. To represent my application of students understanding the links between the activity and the intended learning outcomes, I have included a rubric that not only provides space for teacher feedback, but also the opportunity for students to reflect on the intended results from the project and their efforts toward it. 

Competency 4. Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments 🌎
Click on the above image to view my PowerPoint on a hypothetical interdisciplinary school-wide project
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Final Narrative (Field II)
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Final Narrative (Field II)
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Click on the above image to view my PowerPoint on how to best support a wide varitey of voices within a school
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Developing relationships with my Partner Teacher and Partner Student Teacher from Field II
Here, I chose to include a group presentation from EDUC 535, my specializaion course, as it dives into a possible school project that is interconnected and grows a sense of community. I believe the themes that emerged from working on this project represent a philosophy of education affirming that every student can learn and be successful, as long as we continue to provide opportunities for student leadership and collaboration. The other PowerPoint I have attached regarding the involvement of parents in school was an opportunity within my EDUC 521 class to think critically about a wicked problem. This issue in particular has a direct effect on promoting a positive, engaging learning environment. Exploring possible solutions really forced me to think of the power I hold as a teacher and my responsibilities in connection to the well-being of students through equality and respect with regard to rights. Bonding with my Partner Student Teacher during Field II was invaluable, and for many reasons I still keep them as part of my life. Being a well-established drag queen in the city, they have provided me with stories, strategies, and knowledge surrounding the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, helping to design and provide targeted and specialized supports.
Competency 5. Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit 🤝
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Images used to inspire my Visual Essay in my Indigenous class  (Click on them to read the paper)
Click on the resource list to zoom in:
Crowning Ceremony for Indian Princess/Warrior of Crowther Memorial Junior High School
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In my “Connections” section of the TQS tab, I dive deeper into my ambitions to continue my education and application of Indigenous perspectives and history, as I do see it as a gap I need to exert myself to fill. As I progress through this journey of becoming an educator, I am able to expand on the justifications for developing this competency. The essay that I wrote in my Indigenous course shows this growing understanding of how to work with Indigenous students, and the confidence I am slowly gaining in historical, social, economic, and political contexts. On my first day of Field III, I stumbled into a rehearsal for their Princess/Warrior Pageant for the school. Immediately I inserted myself by asking questions and was even assigned a small role to help with the voting process. Engaging in collaborative, whole school approaches allowed me to connect with the Indigenous Liaison for the school, and understand how this aspect fits into the school community. My storytelling unit plan is an example of using the programs of study to provide opportunities for all students to develop knowledge and understanding. I have also included a list of resources that accurately reflect and demonstrate the strength and diversity of First Nations, Métis and Inuit in the form of storybooks, plays, and theatre companies which I hope to use throughout my practice.

Competency 6. Adhering to Legal Frameworks and Policies ⚖️
Law & Ethics (EDUC 525) Case Analysis Paper
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Final Narrative (Field II)
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In order to respond in accordance with, requirements authorized under the School Act and other relevant legislation, I have retrieved a criminal background check, allowing me to work safely with youth. My EDUC 525 Law and Ethics course also provided opportunities to become familiar with expectations and laws surrounding my future profession (which you can see evidence of in the attached paper from the class). Feedback from Partner Teachers, administration, and Field Instructors has led me to believe that I am capable of following policies and procedures established by the school authority. My 5 years of experience at a summer camp job establishes my ability to act as a caring, knowledgeable and reasonable adult entrusted with the custody, care or education of students. 

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