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Goal #1: To incorporate more variety in my sources and medium for activities (rooted in the inclusion of more technology as it develops over time). 


Teaching Quality Standard or School Leader Competency Reference: Competency 3 (Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge)

- "Accessing, interpreting, and evaluating information from diverse sources"

Competency 2 (Engaging in Career Long Learning)

-"Maintaining an awareness of emerging technologies to enhance knowledge and inform practice"



 -To keep up to date with what programs and technologies are in development at the time and how we can use them to my benefit rather than allowing them to take away from our practice.


  • I plan to start immediately when I return to Field IV by providing students opportunities to play with Chatgpt. It is a newly discovered concern within the education world, and I hope to find ways to take advantage of this new AI technology. 


  • I will also develop ongoing surveys to get students themselves updating me on what they are seeing/hearing about online. Hopefully, this will act as a guide to incorporate more diverse sources of information and resources for class work. 


Expected Results:


  • Ideally, by the end of Field IV, I will have gathered enough evidence to determine which platforms/sources I should continue using within my practice. Student engagement, successful assessment results, and general feedback will inform how I should proceed in the future. 


Here I will update how/if this was achieved, and what myself/my students learned by the end of the process. 

Goal #2: To ensure I design every lesson/unit with a stronger focus on Indigenous practices. 


Teaching Quality Standard or School Leader Competency Reference: Competency 5

(Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit)


-understanding the historical, social, economic, and political implications of:

  • treaties and agreements with First Nations;

  • legislation and agreements negotiated with Métis; and

  • residential schools and their legacy;

  • supporting the learning experiences of all students by using resources that accurately reflect and demonstrate the strength and diversity of First Nations, Métis and Inuit.



  • Starting immediately in Field IV, I am going to prioritize a greater inclusion of this competency by dedicating a section on all of my plans to Indigenous connections. This, in turn, should act as a constant reminder of how I can bring their practices and ways of being directly into my classroom.


  • I will also make an extra effort to find First Nations, Métis and Inuit parents/ guardians, Elders/knowledge keepers, cultural advisors and local community members to invite into my classroom. This should provide insight into new strategies for me to accomplish this goal. 


Expected Results:

  • Over time, my incorporation of this should become seamless and blend naturally into the flow of my lessons. 


  • I will ask for feedback from my Partner Teacher and anyone else who observes my classes in order to guide my progress and fill in any gaps as I continue to learn. 


Here I will update how/if this was achieved, and what myself/my students learned by the end of the process. 

Developed Action Plan for this Goal
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