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My Personal Self Care Plan 

As teachers, we have to give so much of ourselves away every day. We have to think of others first, dedicating all of our time/energy. Therefore, we often neglect the basic self-care needed to keep our mental/physical health intact. 

Yoga Position 5
Yoga Position 3
Yoga Position 4

My main source of self-care is going to the gym. Now that I've been going regularly for a few years, I am able to utilize the time in that space to escape from the real world. Lifting heavy weights and blasting my favorite music into my ears is a fantastic way to let off some steam. It also helps that I feel productive while practicing this form of self-care, as the long-term results can be positively addicting! 


  • Go to sleep before midnight 

  • Facetime my sister as much as possible

  • Talk to my therapist 

  • Hiking, fishing, camping - anything in the mountains

  • Make dinner for my parents

  • Do a longer skincare routine

  • Go on a date (theatre, walks, food) 

  • Yoga/stretching/meditation/breathing exercises 

  • Have a game night with friends 

  • Play with my boyfriend's dogs


Additional Strategies:

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