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After careful reflection on my past, and the wide range of experiences which align closely with the TQS, I have been able to gain newfound confidence in my future as an educator. Examining the physical evidence of strong relationships I have had the pleasure of fostering thus far excites me for all of the diverse lives and stories I will encounter throughout my career. The opportunities I’ve had to stand in front of a class and execute a lesson have made me hyper-aware of the significant relationship building can have on a student’s success. I have also opened my eyes to the importance of establishing a comfortable environment in which students can embrace opportunities that they may not receive at home, as each individual should be celebrated in their uniqueness and their passions. I take pride in my ability to empathize with these children, as the memories of being a struggling student myself are still fresh in my brain - this inspires me to be the teacher for them that I found within my own drama teacher. Not only providing their safe space but also being their safe human. 


As a theatre kid, I have been able to see the direct effect strong community relationships can have on career-long learning. It has become apparent to me that the more people you know, the more resources you have available to learn from. My time in professional settings has led me to where I am and who I am today, which inspires me to continue to engage with others and develop an abundance of knowledge to share with students. I value feedback more than anything; whether it comes directly from stakeholders, such as the children within my class, new teachers, or those who have been teaching all of their lives. As I complete my degree and head into the real world of teaching, I will continue to remind myself that I am supposed to still be learning throughout this process. That I should experience failures with grace, appreciate the growth that will result, and always be reaching to improve. 


I am extremely grateful for my recent opportunities to develop my understanding of the history Indigenous peoples have endured and the strength that they demonstrate today. It is clear to me now, the impact that including their ways of being into the classroom can have on all students. Reconciliation has come so far, but I strongly believe it starts in the home and in the classroom. Even if I can support one individual at a time, I will push myself every day to build on this TQS competency in which I feel I am lacking. I hope that it’s not long before I can begin to feel satisfied with my application of their practices and educating students about their story.  


Breaking down and analyzing all of the TQS components separately was so beneficial for me to be able to understand the bigger picture. I discovered the overlapping and seamless links between them and the value of exploring concrete examples of how they can be applied to my practice. Strong relationships tie into one’s success in the field, especially in terms of continuing to grow and appreciate various identities. It is comforting to see that I am heading down what seems to be the right path; I am eagerly awaiting to see what else I can achieve - hopefully changing some lives along the way. 

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